Homeowners often take for granted their oil appliances such as central heating systems, boilers and cookers.
When dealing with fossil fuels every precaution should be taken and its absolutely vital that oil installation is carried out by a proffessional Oftec qualified engineer. Poorly installed and maintained systems can be a fire hazard so take care when selecting a plumbing company to handle your oil installation requirements. Cheshire based LB plumbing have years of experience checking, maintaining and installing oil fired applicances such as cookers, boilers and central heating. We are Oftec certified so you can rest assured that you will recieve a top quality professional service. Call Us Today! Your Saftey is a Top Priority!
Gas vs oil installations
Gas installations remain the most popular option for powering cookers, boilers and central heating systems with around 70% of the UK using Gas appliances. Its currently the cheapest and most energy efficient solution however for some rural homeowners this is not an option due to no access to gas mains. Oil Installation is a popular alternative for homeowners in this situation and compared with alternatives such as LPG it can be a cheaper, more efficent option.
Service, repair and installation of oil fired appliances
Get Cheshire based LB Plumbing to carry out your oil installation needs. Whether its a annual service, repair, or new installation we can help and you can rely on us to carry out a professional service.
Eliminate the risks associated with dodgey oil installation. LB Plumbing have the correct tools to check all your oil fired appliances and detect any problems.
If you happen to suspect any serious problems call LB Plumbing IMMEDIATELY!
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