Quality Kitchen Installation in Cheshire taylored to suit your tastes

Why upgrade your existing kitchen installation?

The kitchen is arguably the most important room in your property and like an upgraded bathroom suite, a new kitchen installation can increase the value of your home. Many people spend a great deal of time in the kitchen cooking and entertaining for friends. So when planning to sell your home, it should come as no suprise that its the first room many potential buyers want to see.

Cheshire based LB Plumbing now offer a complete kitchen installation service, so if your getting ready to sell your home, add some value by hiring us to remodel your kitchen. There are literally hundreds of options for you when considering an upgrade from various styles and colours of cabinets, countertops, appliances, light fixtures and tap fixtures. Size constraints and your budget for a new kitchen installation are the only limiting factors affecting the many choices available to yo. So get in touch with Cheshire based LB Plumbing today! We’re here to offer friendly and professional advice when considering a kitchen remodel and will work closely with you to design and fit your kitchen to your exact requirements.

The kitchens we offer are of the highest quality and our complete installations cover a wide range of services such as:

  • Dismantling and Disposal of old kitchen components
  • Installation of plumbing, electrical, and gas connections to a Gas Safe or Oftec standard
  • Upgrades, inspections or relocation of plumbing, electric and gas connections
  • Installation of cabinets including electrical rewiring and storage solutions
  • Installation of electrical appliances such as cookers or boilers, professionally installed by our qualified engineers,
  • Installation and plumbing of worktops, sinks, and taps
  • Installation or relocation of lighting fixtures carried out by a qualified electrician
  • Door hanging and bespoke joinery services.

Remember our work is guaranteed and fully insured. We can provide you, professional and friendly advice with planning, designing and installing of your new kitchen, so you can relax assured that the work will be carried out professionally and to the highest standard.【エントリーでさらにポイント10倍】オールスパイス 精油 1000ml 「生活の木」の精油
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